| Y. Gianchandani, “Identifying and Quantifying VOCs Using Fully Microfabricated Systems,” DST-UKIERI Workshop on Emerging Sensor Technologies and Data Analytics for Air Quality Monitoring, New Delhi, India, November 1, 2018 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microfabricated Systems for Air Quality Monitoring: Identifying and Quantifying Volatile Organic Compounds,” Microsystems and Nanoengineering Summit 2018, Beijing, China, July 8-11, 2018 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microfabricated Gas Pumps for Micro Gas Chromatography and Other Applications,” International Workshop on Miniaturized Gas Flow for Applications with Enhanced Thermal Effects (MIGRATE), Bastia, France, June 27-29, 2018 (invited keynote) |
| Y. Qin, Y. Gianchandani, “Progressive Cellular Architecture in Gas Chromatograph for Broad Vapor Sensing,” The Chemical and Biological Defense Science & Technology (CBD S&T) Conference, Long Beach, CA, Nov. 28-30, 2017 |
| S. Green, Y. Gianchandani, “Wireless Magnetoelastic Transducers for Biomedical Applications,” SPIE DSS17 Micro-Nanotechnology Sensors, Systems, and Applications Conference, Anaheim, CA, April 9-13, 2017 |
| T. Li, Y. Ma, Y. Sui, Y Gianchandani, “Sub-Millimeter Packages for Microsystems in Harsh Environment Applications,” IEEE SENSORS Conference, Orlando, FL, Oct. 30 – Nov. 2, 2016 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microfabricated Gas Pumps for Air Quality Monitoring and Other Applications,” Microsystems and Nanoengineering Summit 2015, Beijing, China, August 3-4, 2015 (invited presentation) |
| P.M. Beauchamp, S.M. Hörst, R.V. Yelle, E. L. Neidholdt, J.L. Beauchamp, R.P. Hodyss, C. Briois, L. Thirkell, P. A. Willis, G. Nellis, Y. Gianchandani, M. Choukroun, R. Thissen, P. Coll, N. Carrasco, A Makarov, “Planetary Organics Detector: A High Resolution Mass Spectrometer System to Determine Composition and Structure,” International Workshop on Instrumentation for Planetary Missions (IPM-2014), Greenbelt, MD, November 4-7, 2014 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Integrated Microsystems for Environmental Sensing,” Micromachine Summit, Sao Paolo, Brazil, May 12-13, 2014 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Micromachine Summit: U.S.A. Report,” Micromachine Summit, Sao Paolo, Brazil, May 12-13, 2014 (invited presentation) |
| J.-C. Wang, Z. Xiong, C. Eun, X. Luo, Y. Gianchandani, M.J. Kushner, “Simulation of Microplasma-Based Pressure Sensors,” AVS 60th International Symposium and Exhibition, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 28-Nov. 1, 2013. |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microsystems Research for Societal Impact,” Micromachine Summit, Shanghai, China, April 22-23, 2013 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Micromachine Summit: U.S.A. Report,” Micromachine Summit, Shanghai, China, April 22-23, 2013 (invited presentation) |
| C. Liang, C. Gooneratne, Q. Zhang, Q. Wang, Y. Gianchandani, and J. Kosel, “Comparison of Fe-Ni-Based Thin Film Materials with dopant of Mo, B and Al for Magnetoelastic Sensor Applications,” International Magnetics Conference (INTERMAG), Vancouver, Canada, May 7-11, 2012 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Emerging Research in Microsystems: Opportunities at the Crossroads of Environmental Sensing and Healthcare Applications,” Micromachine Summit, Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 24-25, 2012 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Micromachine Summit: U.S.A. Report,” Micromachine Summit, Hsinchu, Taiwan, April 24-25, 2012 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, J. Brownridge, M. Kushner, K. Najafi, “MIXrS: Micromachined Integrated X-Ray Source,” DARPA Microsystems Technology Office Workshop on Extensible X-Ray Systems and Algorithms for Computed Tomography (EXACT), San Diego, CA, April 3-4, 2012 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Manufacturing of Microsystems: Emerging Opportunities in Biomedical, Environmental, and Wireless Applications,” Micromachining/MEMS/Nano Live USA, Chicago, March 8, 2012 (plenary presentation) |
| J. Liu, Y. Gianchandani, X. Fan, “Demonstration of a Two Dimensional Micro-Gas Chromatography System,” Pittcon Conference and Expo, Orlando, March 2012 |
| X. Luo, W. Zhu, B. Mitra, J. Liu, T. Liu, X. Fan, Y. Gianchandani, “A Chemical Detector for Gas Chromatography Using Pulsed Discharge Emission Spectroscopy on a Microchip,” American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting (AGU 2011), San Francisco, CA, Dec. 2011 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Subtractive Microfabrication Processes for Metal Alloys and Ceramic Materials,” Materials Research Society, Symposium TT: Microelectromechanical Systems – Materials and Devices V, Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, Dec. 2011 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Applications of Sensing and Actuation Materials in Medical Micro-Instruments,” Materials Research Society, Symposium II: BioMEMS – Materials and Devices, Fall Meeting and Exhibit, Boston, Dec. 2011 (invited presentation) |
| A. Alfadhel, C. Liang, Y. Gianchandani, J. Kosel, “Microfabrication of magnetostrictive sensor beams based on NiFe film doped with B and Mo for biomedical applications,” 56th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2011), Scottsdale, AZ, Oct. 30 – Nov. 3, 2011 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Hybrid Micro-Technologies for Medical Applications,” NSF Russian-American Workshop on Emerging Trends in Bioelectronics, St. Petersburg, Russia, June 27-18, 2011 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microplasmas for Microinstruments: Case Studies in Environmental Sensing,” International Workshop on Microplasmas, Paris, April 3-6, 2011 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Micro-Scale Instruments for Environmental Sensing,” Pittcon Conference and Expo, symposium on Micro- and nano-instruments: Fast, Cheap and Under Wireless Control, Atlanta, March 13-18, 2011 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Engineering Pain Relief: Microsystems for Intrathecal Drug Delivery,” International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), San Francisco, February 20-24, 2011 (invited presentation) |
| C. Liang, G. Chinthaka, J. Kosel, B. Li, H. Rowais, S. R. Green, T. Li, and Y. Gianchandani, “Microfabrication of magnetostrictive sensors based on NiFe thin film magnetic materials doping of B and Mo,” 55th Annual Conference on Magnetism and Magnetic Materials (MMM 2010), Atlanta, GA, Nov 14-18, 2010 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microsystems for Health-Care and Environmental Sensing: Transformational Technologies for the Twenty First Century,” Commercialization of Micro-Nano Systems (COMS) Conference, Albuquerque, NM, Aug. 29-Sep. 2, 2010 (invited plenary) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Considerations for MEMS Rotary Stages in Inertial Sensor Calibration,” DARPA Microsystems Technology Workshop on Primary and Secondary Calibration on Active Layer (PASCAL), Hilton Head, SC, June 29-30, 2010 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Research Trajectories of Microsystems for Health-Care and Environmental Sensing,” TechConnect World: Microtech Conference and Expo – MEMS, Sensors and Systems, Anaheim, CA, June 21-24, 2010 (invited keynote) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Chip-Scale Sources for UV and X-Ray Radiation: Observations on Scaling and Tunability,” DARPA Microsystems Technology Workshop on Portable Tunable X-Ray Sources (PTXRS), Boston, MA, May 6-7, 2010 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Revolutionizing Healthcare with Implantable and Wearable Microsystems: a Sampling of US Activities,” 16th Annual World Micromachine Summit (MMS 2010), Dortmund, Germany, April 28-30, 2010 (invited presentation) |
| S. Wright, Y. Gianchandani, “Microdischarge-based pressure sensors utilizing multiple cathodes for operation up to 1000°C,” American Physical Society, Gaseous Electronics Conference, Saratoga Springs, New York, October 20–23, 2009 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microsystems for Environmental Monitoring,” First Workshop on Human-Environment Mobile-Based Interactions, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, Sept. 15-16, 2009 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Micro Discharges for Science and Engineering,” Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS) Conference, invited symposium on Microplasmas for Life; Reno, Nevada, Sept. 28 – Oct. 2, 2008(invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Can MEMS and Microsystems Technology Help in Upstream E&P?” SPE Applied Technology Workshop (ATW) Nanotechnology in Upstream E&P, Dubai, UAE, February 3-6, 2008 (invited presentation) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Emerging Concepts for Implantable Microsystems and Related Devices,” The 13th International Symposium on Micromachine/Nanotech, organized by the Micromachine Center of Japan, July 26, 2007 (invited presentation) |
| Y.Gianchandani, “Integrating Sensors with Stents and Biopsy Tools,” Southern California Biomedical Council Investor Conference, Los Angeles, CA, March 2006 (invited presentation) |
| K.-H. Liao, V. Smirnov, K. Udeshi, M.-Y. Cheng, L. Glebov, Y.B. Gianchandani, and A. Galvanauskas, “Bragg Gratings in Femtosecond Fiber Lasers: from Programmable Pulse Shapers to Compact Volume-Grating Pulse Compressors,” LEOS 2005, October 2005, Sydney, Australia (invited paper) |
| A. Gaitas, Y.B. Gianchandani, “Polyimide Probes for Contact mode High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy Imaging,” Scanning Probe Microscopy, Sensors and Nanostructures Conference, Cancun, Mexico, June 5-8, 2005 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Micromachined Scanning Thermal Probes and Probe Arrays for High Speed and High Resolution Diagnostics of Thin Films,” The 134th Annual Meeting & Exhibition of the Minerals, Metals, and Materials Society (TMS), Symposium on Functional Thin Films for Sensors, San Francisco, Feb.13-17, 2005 (invited paper) |
| M.E. Zorn, C.G. Wilson, Y.B. Gianchandani, M.A. Anderson, “Analysis of aqueous metals using an open-air microglow discharge atomic emission source,” Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society, 228:U154-U154, 120-ANYL Part 1, Aug 22, 2004 |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Micromachined Polyimide-Shank Probes and Probe Arrays for Thermal Microscopy and Microcalorimetry,” ASTM International Symposium on Techniques in Thermal Analysis: Hyphenated Techniques, Thermal Analysis of the Surface, and Fast Rate Analysis, West Conshohocken, PA, May 2004 (invited paper) |
| Y. Gianchandani and S. McNamara, “Ultracompliant High Resolution Thermal Probes for Biological and Other Applications,” Third International Micro-Thermal Analysis Symposium, Ansbach, Germany, Nov. 2003 (invited paper) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Exploring Microdischarges for Manufacturing and Sensing Applications,” American Vacuum Society 50th International Symposium, Baltimore, MD, Nov. 2003 (invited paper) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Emerging Opportunities for Microsystems in Scientific Instrumentation,” The Knowledge Foundation’s 3rd International Conference on Advances in Application of Integrated Commercial-Off-The-Shelf Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems (COTS MEMS), San Francisco, Oct. 2003 (invited paper) |
| K. Najafi and Y. Gianchandani, “Applications of polymers in integrated microsystems,” 226th American Chemical Society (ACS) National Meeting, Division of Polymer Chemistry, U360-U360 15-POLY Part 2,New York, NY, Sept. 2003 (invited paper) |
| Y. Gianchandani, “Microplasmas for Semiconductor Processing and Other Applications,” Gordon Conference (GRC) on Plasma Processing Science, Tilton, New Hampshire, July 2002 (invited paper) |
| A. Mason, D. Birdsall, J. Clark, S. McNamara, and Y. Gianchandani, “A Wireless Environmental Monitoring Microsystem for Military Assets,” 2nd Biennial Sensors Symposium, Naval Surface Warfare Center, Crystal City, VA, April 8-10, 2002 |
| J.L. Shohet, T.J. Henn, Y. Gianchandani, F. Denes, J.M. Gauget, U. von Andrian, and S.B. Shohet, “Plasma Discharge in Artificial Blood Vessels” American Society of Hematology, 2001 |
| J.L. Shohet, F. Denes, S. Esnault, S. Manolache, T.J. Henn, Y. Gianchandani, U. von Andrian, and S.B. Shohet, “Cell Adhesion to Plasma-Treated Surfaces,” American Society of Hematology proceedings published as a special issue of Blood, 98 (11): 3842, Part 2, Nov. 16, 2001 |
| C. Wilson, Y.B. Gianchandani, A.E. Wendt, “Potential and Current Profiles of Nitrogen Gas DC Microplasmas,” IUVSTA 15th International Vacuum Congress and AVS 48th International Symposium, October 2001, San Francisco, California |
| K. Thompson, J.H. Booske, R.F. Cooper, Y.B. Gianchandani, and S. Ge, “Temperature Measurement in Microwave-Heated Silicon Wafers,” Second World Congress on Microwave and Radio Frequency Processing, The American Ceramic Society, April 2000 |